
Faith at Work : Suggested Books


Accessible, with an Eye to the Practical:

John D Beckett, Mastering Monday: Experiencing God’s Kingdom in the workplace (IVP, 2006)

Malcolm Brown, Putting Theology to Work A Christian understanding of daily work (Grove, Cambridge 1994)

Peter Cope and Mike West, Engaging Mission – The Lasting Value of Industrial Mission for Today (Grosvenor House, 2011)

Ken Costa, God at Work: Living every Day with Purpose (Continuum, 2007)

Graham Dow, A Christian Understanding of Daily Work (Grove, Cambridge, 1997)

Mark Greene, Thank God it’s Monday (Scripture Union, 3rd edn 2005)

Mark Greene, Supporting Christians at Work (Administry/LICC, 2001)

Richard Higginson, Called to Account: Adding Value in God’s World (Eagle, 1993)

Malcolm Torry, Bridgebuilders – Workplace Chaplaincy a History (Canterbury Press, 2010)

Paul Valler, Get a Life: Winning Choices for Working People (IVP, 2008)


More Sustained ‘Theology of Work’

Darrell Cosden, The Heavenly Good of Earthly Work (Paternoster, 2006)

Sue Howard and David Welbourn, The Spirit at Work Phenomenon (Azure, 2004)

Armand Larive, After Sunday: A Theology of Work (Continuum, 2004)

Christian Schumacher, God in Work (Lion, 1998)

R Paul Stevens, The Abolition of the Laity: Vocation, Work and Ministry in a Biblical Perspective (Paternoster, Carlisle, 1999)

R Paul Stevens, Doing God’s Business: Meaning and Motivationfor the Marketplace (Eerdmans, 2006)

Miroslav Volf, Work in the spirit. Towards a theology of work  (OUP 1991)


Books of Prayers for Work:

David Adam, Power Lines: Celtic Prayers about Work (SPCK, 2000)

Mark Greene, Pocket Prayers for Work (Church House Publishing, 2004)


General Books with Useful Tools to Reflect on Faith and Daily Life

Church of England, Board of Education, Called to New Life: The World of Lay Discipleship (Church House Publishing, 1999)

Brian Draper, Spiritual Intelligence: A New Way of Being (Lion Hudson, 2009)

Sally Nash and Paul Nash, Tools for Reflective Ministry (SPCK, 2009)

David Runcorn, Spirituality Workbook: A Guide for Explorers, Pilgrims and Seekers (SPCK, 2006)

Barbara Brown Taylor, An Altar in the World: Finding the Sacred Beneath our Feet (Canterbury Press, 2009)

Judith Thompson with Stephen Pattison and Ross Thompson, Theological Reflection (SCM, 2008)


Books on Exploring your Vocation:

John Adair, How to find your Vocation: A Guide to Discovering the Work you Love (Canterbury Press, 2007 edn)

Francis Dewar, Live for a Change: Discovering and Using your Gifts (DLT, 1988)

Parker J. Palmer, Let your Life Speak: Listening to the Voice of Vocation (Jossey-Bass, 1999)

Steve Walton, A Call to Live: Vocation for Everyone (Triangle, 1994)


Christianity and Business Management:

Richard Higginson, Transforming Leadership; A Christian approach to management (SPCK 1996)