Prayers for the Economy and those in and out of Work


Our Chaplains regularly meet together to pray and worship together. We also pray privately.

Contact us if you have a concern or issue you would like us to pray for.

Our Cycle of Prayer reminds us to pray for the whole variety of work and workplaces in the region.

A Prayer for work and people. (by John Bell, Iona Community)

Creator God,

You have called us to do your will in the world, in the name of Jesus. You have called us to be shop assistants and social workers; truckers and teachers, carpenters and chemists; engineers and evangelists, labourers and lawyers; and much else besides.

We pray with all people in their daily life and work; enjoying fulfilment in a purposeful job or challenging vocation; staring at the uncertainty of redundancy or dismissal; holding immense responsibility and facing testing decisions; feeling exploited by injustice in trade; caring for others, unpaid and unsung.

And we pray for people for whom time passes slowly: seeking employment, frustrated by repeated refusals; unable to work through illness and incapacity; retired, now wondering where they are still wanted; finding their work a drudge, dreading each new day; still listening for God’s call.

Enabling God, We commit to you the insights of our minds, the labour of our hands, and the love of our hearts, as we share in daily community lifeand shape the future of your created world.  Amen    

See below for further prayers.

Leading Prayer Services

Chaplains are happy to lead prayers in workplaces and churches.

They can offer suggestions of how to organise these moments. They can contribute to major festivals, memorial services and funerals, and Sunday worship.

Chaplains work alongside people of all faiths and no faith. Chaplains witness to God’s love in the diversity of daily life.

A number of workplaces have Multi-Faith Prayer Rooms and chaplains can offer some advice on how these are best used.

… and..please pray for us!

Further short prayers to say..


Prayers for the working day:

I arise today through a mighty strength;

God’s power to guide me; God’s might to uphold me. God’s eyes to watch over me; God’s ear to hear me. God’s word to give me speech; God’s hand to guard me. God’s way to lie before me; God’s shield to shelter me. God’s host to secure me.                      (By Bridgid of Gael c. 451 – 525)


Lord God, bless the labour of our hands,

Whether in the office or in the kitchen; on the farm or in the garden; on the hospital ward or with an unwell friend; in the school of the world of business; on the phone or on the computer; when holding our children or our grandchildren.

May all we do this day be done to your glory. So, Lord, bless the labour of our hands.      (By Brian Hudson [adapted])


Prayer for urban life:

Come, God of the city, into my city.

Put up a sign – ‘Danger – God at work’. Build places of welcome – places to play – riotous sound and colour. Build homes for celebration with friend and stranger. Build places of worship – places to pray, spaces to listen and rest in quietness.

Illuminate with your energy; Add your wine to my parties; Bring generosity to my economy; And offer hospitality through my openness.        (Janet Corlett)


A Prayer for the Economy of Birmingham-Solihull

Glorious God,

Jesus taught his apprentices: Martha who served; Peter who fished; The centurion who commanded; The tax man who took.

We ask you to teach us, the people of Birmingham and Solihull, to develop the rich diversity that you have given us. May we share out the abundance of your household in committed labour and graceful relationship.

May office-block, warehouse, factory and village hall shout out the values of liberation, community and fullness of life.

Send your Spirit of enterprising risk-taking, that we may go out in work for your Kingdom, your Power and your Glory. Amen


Further prayer resources can be found on the ‘Prayer and Worship’ page of ‘Resources for Churches’.